Monday, March 26, 2012

101 in 1001

I have joined the group of wonderful ladies on MSOS and chosen 101 tasks to complete in 1001 days. I'm really excited because 1) I love lists, probably more than I should and 2) I love anything self-improvement!

101 Goals in 1001 Days
Start Date: March 26, 2012
End Date: December 22, 2014

Last updated: March 26, 2012

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past — frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

My 101 Goals

0/101 Goals Accomplished

Haven't started
In progress
Goal completed

So here is my list:
1) Geocache once a month
2) Run at least one 5K
3) Join a recreational sports league for one season
4) Stop swearing for one month
5) Post an inspirational quote on my mirror every morning for one month
6) Complete the "50 questions that will free your mind"
7) Attend 3 live music events in one month
8) 10 minutes a day of deep breathing for one month
9) Create a budget and stick to it for one month
10) Walk or bike to places that are <5 miles for one week
11) Start and use a coupon binder for one month
12) Skype dates with friends 1/month
13) Floss daily for 30 days
14) Buy and wear a bikini in public
15) Eat clean for one month
16) Leave N random notes once a week in the apt for one month
17) Practice Spanish for 1hr/week for 3 months
18) Make list of 'things I love about you' for N and I's first anniversary
19) Write monthly letters to 5 close friends for a year
20) Create a general daily routine and stick to it for two months! (exercise, sleep, work)
21) Do a deep clean of apt once a month for six months
22) See 311 in concert again
23) Teach N how to swim
24) Reach my goal weight
25) Donate to Locks of Love
26) Make a scrapbook
27) Ride a horse on a beach
28) Save $10 for every task I complete
29) Learn to sew
30) Take a self-defense class
31) Go ziplining
32) Take a picture at the LOVE statue with N
33) Do a boudoir photoshoot!
34) Kiss in the rain
35) Join a book club
36) Write a list of everything bad in my life then burn the list
37) Set and keep boundaries with family
38) Record a song with N
39) Build a second stream of income
40) Try a new recipe every month
41) Write in my journal at least once a week for 6 months
42) Become a certified Zumba instructor
43) Graduate College
44) Do one Pinterest craft per month!
45) Watch 26 movies I've never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
46) Go one week without eating gluten
47) Take an art class
48) Take a train somewhere
49) Shoot a bow and arrow
50) Go to an open mic night
51) Have a fondue party
52) Attend an NFL game
53) Go to Disneyworld with N!
54) Finish reading Atlas Shrugged
55) Make a video about a typical day of my life
56) Make a couples video
57) Get a couples charicature
58) Get an inspirational quote tattoo
59) Have a slumber party
60) Take singing lessons
61) Take pictures in a photo booth
62) Learn 50 phrases in ASL
63) Tour a winery
64) Learn to french braid
65) Ride in a hot air balloon
66) Make my own cleaning supplies
67) Kiss N on New Year's Eve!
68) Write a thank you letter to my grandparents
69) Audition for a play
70) Go kayaking
71) Start a fire by myself
72) Do 25 pushups in a row
73) Fill out "How to Love Me" book for N
74) Create a list of 101 things that make me happy
75) Buy food from a farmer's market for 1 month
76) Play Bingo in a bingo hall
77) Go on a picnic
78) Complete the 5000 Question Survey
79) Don't complain about anything for a week
80) Read 50 books
81) Write down every negative thought I have for 48 hours
82) Go on a cruise
83) Go on a road trip
84) Create a 'positives about me' journal
85) Buy Facial Exercises book and do exercises for 3 months
86) Take a boxing class
87) Attend a taping of a TV show
88) Go 3 months without Facebook
89) Make a large blanket
90) Try one new restaurant every month
91) Have a weekly date night with N for 2 months
92) Go to the Philadelphia Zoo
93) Do a tourist day in Philly
94) Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor
95) Spend a day at the beach
96) Enter a photography contest
97) Do a candid couples photo session with N
98) Research my family history
99) Do a free photography session for someone
100) Take Emma on a long walk 3 times/week at least for one month
101) Do a daily Ten Minute Tidy in the apt for one month